Dressgal Part One
Jest już grudzień, a co za tym idzie - jest coraz zimniej. Chociaż w ostatnim czasie jest słońce, nie noszę jeszcze grubych kurtek, to warto zaopatrzyć się już na coś cieplejszego. Zrobiłam mały przegląd sklepu Dressgal i przygotowałam kilka fajnych propozycji. Gustuję w czerni, więc kurtki i płaszcze, jakie możecie zobaczyć są właśnie w tym kolorze. Zachęcam do przeglądnięcia sklepu, bo są również w innych kolorach. Na pewno pojawi się jeszcze nie raz wpis na temat kurtek na zimę i wiosnę. Ubrania z Dressgal przychodzą w ciągu dwóch tygodni, więc czas oczekiwania nie jest wygórowany. Posiadam rabat do sklepu, zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt na e-mail :)
It's already December, and is getting colder. Although in recent times is the sun I don't wear thick jackets, you might want to stock up now on something warmer. I did a small review of the store Dressgal and I prepared some cool suggestions. I like black, so jackets and coats that you can see are just in the suit. I encourage you to browse the store, because they are also available in other colors. Certainly appears more than once posting on jackets for the winter and spring. Clothing with Dressgal come within two weeks, so the waiting time is not excessive. I have a discount store, interested, please contact us by e-mail :)
It's already December, and is getting colder. Although in recent times is the sun I don't wear thick jackets, you might want to stock up now on something warmer. I did a small review of the store Dressgal and I prepared some cool suggestions. I like black, so jackets and coats that you can see are just in the suit. I encourage you to browse the store, because they are also available in other colors. Certainly appears more than once posting on jackets for the winter and spring. Clothing with Dressgal come within two weeks, so the waiting time is not excessive. I have a discount store, interested, please contact us by e-mail :)
Kisses, Sandra.