Shein Part Ten
Już dzisiaj Sylwester! Z tej okazji zrobiłam dwa kolaże, na których możecie zobaczyć sukienki idealna na tę okazję. Moje serce podbiły te z cekinami - w tym roku właśnie taką zakładam na zabawę sylwestrową. Nie mogłam zdecydować się na kolor sukienki, ale ostatecznie kupiłam w kolorze czarnym. Mimo, że ta okazja jest tylko raz w roku, to zaopatrzę się jeszcze w złotą i srebrną. Są idealne na wiele okazji. Dzięki ciekawej strukturze nie trzeba dobierać żadnych dodatków - same cekiny robią swoje :)
Today is New Year's Eve! On this occasion I made two collages, where you can see the perfect dress for the occasion. My heart conquered those with sequins - this year just so I assume to have fun New Year's Eve. I couldn't decide on the color of the dress, but eventually I bought in black. Although this opportunity is only once a year, the supply still in gold and silver. They are ideal for many occasions. The structure is very interesting so you don't have to choose any additives - Same sequins are doing their :)
Today is New Year's Eve! On this occasion I made two collages, where you can see the perfect dress for the occasion. My heart conquered those with sequins - this year just so I assume to have fun New Year's Eve. I couldn't decide on the color of the dress, but eventually I bought in black. Although this opportunity is only once a year, the supply still in gold and silver. They are ideal for many occasions. The structure is very interesting so you don't have to choose any additives - Same sequins are doing their :)
Kisses, Sandra.